
What's up and welcome to my blog. I've attempted this in the past however I've been unsuccessful, probably due in part to my moody as demeanor and my inability to share and be public. I've chosen to try this again today, for a couple of reasons:

  • it's Friday August 13, and while others believe this day to be filled with doom and jinx, I find it promising and filled with newness
  • Eat, Pray, Love comes out in theaters today, and since this book inadvertently changed my life, and I've just finished reading the book for a third time (sorry I needed a refresher) I figured I'd go for it
  • lastly, because I'm surrounded in this world of mine by people who think they know me, and claim to love me, and yet I feel so fucking alone, so ..... here I shall share if for no other reason - for therapy
I'm not sure what this blog will be / look like, however I will give it my all, and stay true to me and my beliefs, so if you're cool with that, nice, hold on and let's have some fun and get to know each other, if not, oh well.

So, welcome and stay tuned.


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