The Power of Goodbye
Power of Goodbye
I've never understood why letting go of relationships was so difficult for some. People have said I haven't found true love. I've even challenged myself by digging in to find out if I'm just a bad person - cold and heartless, or if I have committment issues. I've guessed and second guessed myself, and my ability to love genuinely. I've made excuses about how difficult I am to be in a relationship with. At one point, I accepted the possibility of loneliness.
As I quietly mourn the loss of Dr. Maya Angelou, and anniversary the death of my grandmother, I've thought a lot about goodbyes, and my view is this - while parting with the loss of months or years spent with someone, a job, or situation - goodbyes merely pave the way for the next chapter and none of us are in this thing called life to write a chapbook.
I spent a majority of my years holding on too tightly. I've barricaded doors to prevent lovers from leaving in fear of loneliness, and lack of closure. I've sacrificed my time and my energy to continue to help organizations, I've stayed in jobs to make wealthier someone else. In fact, it wasn't until my grandmothers' last 9 days that I learned the power of letting go. And my letting go of my selfishness, in turn allowing my grandmother to transition, was the most powerful and selfless act of all. From that day, I've been as regimented in letting go as I've been I holding on - and as a result I've been allowed to live. And despite what critics say, my heart is pure, filled with love and often exposed. I have experienced a love that I hope everyone is blessed enough to experience at least half of. Any the only commitment issue I've had was over committing - but those days are behind me.
Letting go is as much a virtue as patience and courage. In fact, without patience and courage, one can not release their grip of control and begin writing their next chapter. The next time you think you're doing the right thing by interrupting the progression of the universe - remember, the universe will retain control. And if you continue to ignore the little signs that it's time to move on, the universe in all her magnificent slendor will continue to infiltrate you with heartbreaking reminders until you grow up and grow on.
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