
Showing posts from June, 2014

All Roads Lead Back To You

I don't know where or when I lost the most valuable thing to me, but, I know I lost it, and I've searched for it almost everywhere, except for where it really was. I'm talking about myself. I've got the timeline pegged somewhere between December 2011 and the present. Somewhere in that timeframe, my needs, my desires and passions became less important. I acquiesced on things I once stood firm on, compromise became my middle name and yours truly found his way to the back burner again - and there I was left. I read a Facebook post of an old acquaintance recently that said something to the extent that he was physically cleaning his house as well and mentally and spiritually cleaning his house. Now, I don't know if that meant he was warding off spirits with white sage, or just unloading some emotional baggage. So, I spent some time with that post and this is what it means to me. Let it go. That's right. If it doesn't add value - let it go. If there's unfi...

The Power of Goodbye

Power of Goodbye I've never understood why letting go of relationships was so difficult for some. People have said I haven't found true love. I've even challenged myself by digging in to find out if I'm just a bad person - cold and heartless, or if I have committment issues. I've guessed and second guessed myself, and my ability to love genuinely. I've made excuses about how difficult I am to be in a relationship with. At one point, I accepted the possibility of loneliness.  As I quietly mourn the loss of Dr. Maya Angelou, and anniversary the death of my grandmother, I've thought a lot about goodbyes, and my view is this - while parting with the loss of months or years spent with someone, a job, or situation - goodbyes merely pave the way for the next chapter and none of us are in this thing called life to write a chapbook.  I spent a majority of my years holding on too tightly. I've barricaded doors to prevent lovers from leaving in fear of loneliness, ...